T Levels
What are T levels?
T Levels are new two year courses starting in September 2020, which will follow GCSEs. They have been designed with employers to give you the skills and knowledge for the workplace. They are a nationally recognised qualification and equivalent to 3 A levels.
How do they work?
T Levels combine classroom learning in the college with an in-depth work placement with an employer for at least 45 days or twenty per cent of the course. When and how you complete it depends on the T Level, the college and the employer.They are assessed by exams, projects and practical assignments. When you pass your T Level, you will get a nationally recognised certificate showing the overall grade you achieved - pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. It will also give details of what you learned on the course to help you move into skilled employment or a higher apprenticeship. Your T Level will be worth UCAS points – a T Level Distinction* is worth the same as 3 A levels at A* – and will be recognised by universities and other education providers so you can choose to continue studying if you wish.
Why would I choose T Levels?
T levels would suit you if you want to develop practical skills and apply theory in the workplace in an occupational area that you are interested in. You would have an interest in combining classroom learning (80%) with on-the-job employment experience (20%). You will also develop maths, English and digital skills within the qualification.
Where can I study T levels?
T Levels are being introduced gradually in further education and sixth form colleges. A range of subjects will be available, although not all at the same time; subjects include Health, Building Services Engineering, Science and Digital based subjects. Over the next 3 years a total of 24 T Level subjects will become available. Colleges set their own entry requirements so look at their website or contact the college direct to enquire.
Locally Bury College will offer T Levels for the first time in 2021: Visit Bury College website
Local Providers of T Levels (Contact for further information and to apply)
Where can they lead?
They can lead to University/College study, higher and degree Apprenticeships or skilled employment.
More information about T Levels
Go here for general information